Me, Myself and I

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I know it is not perfect, But it's life.Life is MESSY sometimes..

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Sometimes we hope for anyone or anything to mend this fragile heart of ours that beats inside slowly …but the thing is people…we do not need eyes to see what is plainly seen in our hearts. We do not need anyone to mend it. As we continue to floats seamlessly into the dark night pretending that there will always be someone out there to protects us, to shield us, and to fight for us..We forget that there is no such thing. There will be no plaster to mend these broken pieces… Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. Humans are flawed, we have it in us, its our nature. We can't help but hurting others sometimes by mistake sometimes on purpose. Let the heart to continue floating coz truth is ya can't find your savior, can't find your knight to protect you. Like every Disney's Princess, they don't search for their Prince too, but he will turn up sooner or later. Sometimes we don't feel it, we don't sense it but in due time when he's gone we really felt what is the missing piece all along.....
